Sunday, July 01, 2012


i slipped up. no reflections friday or saturday. i slipped into my dark side this weekend. had a hard time staying positive and accepting my reality. then had a hard time loving and accepting my dark side. instead kept slipping deeper into it.

the lesson is that there is darkness in reality. it is all around us. ignoring it in yourself is like ignoring the less pleasant parts of human nature outside of yourself. they are all around us just as it is all within our inner landscape. the question is - how do we deal with it? how do you accept those parts of yourself you'd rather not see? i am learning everyday. but i know it can't be ignored or denied. it is in me, with me. i am capable of great harm but also great good. plant the seeds of goodness and gently weed out the harmful side. but forgive myself if i don't tend to my garden for a week and there are weeds. forgiveness is key.

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