Monday, July 30, 2012

snake visitor

A beautiful young snake came into my office today for a visit. She rattled her way in, wagging her small rattler the whole time. She slid right into the corner and stayed there. I ran out in a flash, slipped on the rug on my way out and shook out my nerves outside. It took me a while to get comfortable going back in. In fact, I crawled through my window onto the bed and slowly tip toed my way back toward her in the corner. I thought about trying to get her out myself but was too nervous having never handled snakes before. So I went to get my neighbor, Bernie, and he got a long pole and helped me get her out of my room. She was gorgeous. A southern pacific juvenile. What an exciting break to my day of working on the computer.

I've been thinking about the meaning of her visit in my office today.  The first thing that came to mind was to always remember to PAY ATTENTION. The same lesson that I received last week this time. Pay attention to what is happening around me. Don't assume everything is under control. Don't assume that I am safe just because I have a pretense of being safe. Just keep your eyes opening and realize that even when you think you are one track, there are ALWAYS things around you that are affecting your reality. It is all connected and in no way is any one of us safe in our bubble.

The other meaning of the snake visit - Ethan. I've been thinking a lot about him and he is a snake man. I think he wandered into my office in the form of a snake just to break up my day and make things more interesting for me. Just to check up on me and see how things were going along at the casa de nowhere.

So, as you've noticed, daily reflections have turned into more weekly or bi-weekly reflections. Going to try to be more diligent. Even if its just a picture or a poem or a Dekkaz.

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