Sunday, August 05, 2012

body brain connection

Its amazing how easily I forget that working out physically and aerobically allows me more clarity of mind. I have to re-learn this lesson almost every time I exercise. This evening I was feeling lonely and a bit sorry for myself. Isolated out here in the middle of the creosote flats of the Mojave desert. But I hopped on my bike anyway and went for a ride. As my body worked, my mind cleared. And I suddenly saw pathways forward from places I was previously stuck. I've been simultaneously working on four personal projects while also trying to work a full time job, eat, exercise, socialize, etc. Its making me a bit crazy because they are all sort of challenging projects that I am doing on my own. The next step to take isn't always clear. And there are decisions to be made. the projects are:
1) Garden & growing food for the fall - this involves all sorts of unconventional construction in order to make it critter-free, protected from wind, sun and birds.
2) Planning a 10-day Costa Rica vacation - Ethan's first time to CR! This is fun but stressful because we have so little time!
3) JTBC - the bicycle coalition - all sorts of fall activities to plan and organize. Trying to figure out how to get this thing off the ground!
4) Women's retreat in the fall - how to structure it and plan it

And then there is the  ever looming ... what do I do next for a job? How do I live the life I want to live and still make enough money to feel secure?

But getting back to the subject of this post... exercise allows my brain to function better. The sticky places get smoothed out and the heavy issues seem lighter. Things seem less overwhelming and more possible with exercise. And yet I always forget. Thinking things are just fine and forgetting how much BETTER they could be.

So... in honor of exercise, I am going to bed early so I can get up and go for a run!

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